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February 11,  2025

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JOIN ALAN & VALERIE Brown on Valentine’s Day at The Blu Bar for an evening of Live Music, tasty dishes and good vibes! The Blu Bar is the place to bring your Valentine or just your bad self, on Feb. 14th from 6-9pm.        


FEB 17 JOHNNY CASH: The Redemption of an American Icon At the end of his rope, Johnny Cash stumbled into a cave and laid down in the dark. But death didn’t come calling; God did. This documentary follows Cash’s road to redemption and return to his faith, as country music stars and many others share their insights into his life and legacy. Two hours.  Part of the Monday Message Series. 7 pm Community Church of Moab 544 Mi Vida Dr.


DVD COLLECTION. 125 films. Like new. Hitchcock, Bogart, Scorsese, Tarantino, 007, Eastwood. $250. LX Skye Facebook or call 970-730-6797.      


DOWNTOWN HOME for rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, recent refresh. New appliances, floors, paint. $2,500 a month. Credit check, background check and references. Year Lease. Available February. Call 435-260-2192.


ROCK‘n’K DRYWALL is looking to expand our crew in 2025. Regardless of sex, if you’re teachable and dependable & have the desire to work hard and want to learn a good paying trade. We have over 50 years of experience we’re willing to share with the right candidates. No experience required and transportation can be arranged. Must know how to read a tape measurer and be willing to work hard and learn a respectable trade. Also, you can call me for a FREE estimate for your new home or remodel. Quality is our first priority at Rock‘n’K!! Contact Bill Keddington at 435-630-2345 or email at


WE BUY antiques, vintage glass, jewelry, etc. CALL US before you donate (435) 210- 2362       


THE MOAB MUSEUM opens following our seasonal winter closure this Friday, February 14th with regular hours: 9am-5pm.


FOR RENT: Two bed, one and a half bath furnished or unfurnished home in town. $1,750 per month plus utilities and internet. No pets or smoking. Good credit and references required. Call 970-618-2478               


COMMUNITY WIDE Dodgeball Tournament. 2/17, 12:00 Noon at the Middle School Gym. Prizes for winning teams. $50 buy in for a team or $5 for a single. Deadline to sign up is 2/14. Text with questions 435-246-9246. There is 24 slots available.


FREE to a Pleco loving home: Otis, a common Plecostomus, is about 15” long and has out grown his tank. If you have a large tank that can accommodate Otis please call Konnie 435 260 2926.      


FOR SALE: Harley Davidson 2004 Super Dyna Glide. Vance and Hines pipes, custom paint ghost flames on blue, custom seat, chromed out, with 2 side hard bags. $7,500. Harley Davidson 2007 Sportster 1200. Vance and Hines pipes, Harley bright blue, Mustang seat, spoke wheels. Low mileage. $6,000. Call Konnie 435-260-2926 


6-TON DUMP TRUCK for hire. No haul is too small. Call or text, 435-210-8291.           


“U92: MOAB’S URANIUM Legacy” FREE Public Opening this Saturday, February 15th all day with programming from the MARC, DOE, and the Moab Museum. 11am-3pm. Open all day 9am-5pm.


FRONT LOAD WHIRLPOOL washer and LP dryer on pedestal drawers. Like new. Under warranty. $2000 OBO. 435-459-0793            


3 BED/2 BATH Beautiful Rental Home in NW Moab near pool/downtown. Charming home w/large yard of mature shade trees/garden/fruit trees/irrigation water w/rim views. AC,gas heat,WD,DW,gas HW,hard floors/large windows. No pets/smoking! $2400/1year lease/first/last/$2000 deposit. Avail April 1st. references. email:   


JOIN US for the 2nd annual MOAB HARD ENDURO at Area BFE on Friday and Saturday, April 11th & 12th. Part of the US Hard Enduro Dirt Bike Racing Series. A kids Stacyc race on April 11th is happening too! Great Spectating and vendors! Come watch the best dirt bikers throw down for a huge cash purse. More info at


HOUSE CONCERT with Vermont musicians Annemeike and Jeremiah McLane, folk and classical music on piano and accordion. Sunday, Feb, 23rd, 7pm. Suggested admission $20. Space is limited; email for reservations and location.


CONTRA DANCE, Saturday, March 1st, 8pm (lesson for beginning dancers at 7:30) at the MARC. Live music by the Moab Community Dance Band with guest musician, Jeremiah McLane and guest dance caller, Deb Comly. No partner or experience necessary-- everyone is welcome. $10 suggested donation.    




LOOKING FOR an unforgettable winter adventure in the Moab area? Experience the thrill of snowmobiling through the breathtaking La Sal Mountains with Snowmobile Moab. Enjoy panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and the towering red rock walls of Paradox Valley below from 10,500 feet in elevation! We are open through March! (970) 390-1841 Website: at  


SEEKING COMMERCIAL RENTAL Established Moab business seeking flex space, 500-800 sf. Need heat/cool, power, water/sink, internet. Long term lease desired, excellent tenants. Please email


THE RECOVERY Center at Moab Regional Hospital treats addictions to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, opioids and more. We provide therapy, recovery groups, outpatient detox and medications like Suboxone, Vivitrol and methadone to help with cravings and withdrawal. Call us at 435-719-3970 for more information. 


THE CLAY ARTISANS of Moab are seeking the beneficiary for the 2025 Soup Bowl Fundraiser and All Ceramics Silent Auction. Are you a nonprofit in Moab that serves the local Moab community? We encourage you to apply. Bowl making begins this month, all we’re missing is our beneficiary! Will it be YOU?! Visit for application and guidelines. Applications Due Friday February 28, 2025.


HONEST HOME SOLUTIONS 4 U. Several services provided. See marketplace ad for list of services. Licensed and Insured. 435-220-8686.


THE TRASHION SHOW will be February 22nd at Woody’s Tavern, starting at 7PM. Sunflood is playing, there will be DJs and a runway show with prizes. Cover is $10 to support KZMU and Moab Sun News. Craft your outfit out of trash today!


BELAL’S DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Include: Property Cleanup / Haul Away, Welding, Fabrication, Carpentry, Stairs, Railings, Fences and Gates, Stump Removal, Concrete Demolition, Custom Shade Structures, Awnings, Gutter Cleaning, Shrub Trimming, and other odds and ends. (435) 259-2526 Emails Preferred < > Website


BLAKE GO WAVY is in need of a videographer/photographer for music videos and photoshoots, please call or text 725-502-0474. 


WILDFLOWERS of the Twelve Moons. Presentation by Joel Tuhy, Wed. April 2, 7:00pm AT THE LIBRARY (not at the MIC). Could be his best show yet! Not to be missed!!               


SEASONAL RV SPACE available: $400.00 per month (3 months) move in special. First and last month required after approval. $50.00 increase after 3 months. 30amp, water, electric, and sewer. 30ft. maximum RV length RV must be fully functional. No pets. Call Pack Creek Campground 435-259-2982 for application.             


NIFTY TUXEDOS (formerly Nifty Fashions) TIME TO ORDER PROM TUXEDOS!! Order now, order early. 839 S. Main Street (Point S Tires). Call for appointment, 435-260-9661.  


TRY A CLASS with Utah’s only certified Kaiut Yoga teacher! A modern take on ancient yoga principles, this method is focused on returning the body to optimal structure and functionality by working from the joints rather than stretching muscles in extraordinary ways. A floor based practice accessible to everyone, this method is designed to work through chronic pain and injuries and general aches and stiffness. Regain strength, mobility, balance, and functionality, and be pain free for as long as possible. Classes are Thursday 5:15pm, Friday 9am, and Saturday 10am. Learn more and reserve your mat at                     


CRITTER CLUB with Miss Linda, retired zoo lady at the Grand County Library, Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Geared towards ages 8-12.  All ages welcome!  No registration required.


IN STITCHES: Fiber arts club at the Grand County Library. Every Monday afternoon from 3:30-4:30pm. All skill levels and ages welcome!  No registration required.


THE 2ND WEDNDESDAY Book Club is ready to welcome you! For the current book selection, visit or call the library at 435-259-1111.


ALL ABOARD! Moab Library’s afterschool board game club!  Every Friday in the large meeting room. All ages welcome. No registration required. 2-4pm.


THE CASTLE VALLEY Book Club is ready to welcome you! For the current book selection, please visit  or call the library @ 435-259-1111. *Meeting times may change during summer/winter.


CASTLE VALLEY MOVIE NIGHT: “Little Miss Sunshine” Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7-9pm. Castle Valley Library, 2 Castle Valley Ln. Cost: Free


TEEN CENTER: New Year, New Location! Open Monday-Friday 2-8pm. 321 E. Center Street.


COMMUNITY LINE DANCING Lessons returns at 7pm in the main indoor arena at the Old Spanish Trail Arena.  It is cold inside so please dress in warm layers. All ages and skill levels welcome and encouraged. Feb. Schedule: 2/6 - Line Dancing Lessons; 2/13 - Line Dancing Lessons; 2/27 - Special Session: Country Swing Lessons. For security reasons, participants will need to access the indoor arena through the lower arena floor door located by the large roll up door on the South side of the building. Don’t forget to sign your waiver. Check in with Tasia or Sean upon arrival.


FLEA MARKET starts Saturday, March 1st. Everyone welcome to sell, buy, trade. Will be held first Saturday of each month. 8am-Noon at Old City Park.               


FRUIT TREE PRUNING Workshop: Saturday, February 22nd, 10AM-2PM. $25 at Our Village Community Center, 721 N. 500 West. Learn why, when & how to prune. This is an outdoor, hands-on workshop. Dress for weather and bring gloves & pruning tools if available. Bring your own lunch. Register by Feb. 18th at or


FOR RENT: 2,500 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath custom home on 4 acres in Spanish Valley. Partially furnished. 2 car garage, sun room, covered patio. Nice, quiet location. $2,600/mo. Includes utilities, yard maintenance. Max occupancy 2. 1 year lease. No pets or smokers. 435-260-9826.


CHIMNEY DOCTOR Inspection, Cleaning, Service, Repair, Installation, Wood, Pellet, Gas and Dryer Vents. Professional. Insured. CSIA & C-DET Certified. 970-234-3330


CUSTOM LOADER & Backhoe work. Sewer hook-ups, septic tanks, irrigation lines, land leveling, etc. Dave Cozzens Construction - The Cozzens Family - serving local Engineering Construction needs for over 65 years. 435-259-7739.


THE LAW offices of HAPPY MORGAN has moved to the Larsen Building, 285 S. 400 E. 2nd Floor, Moab, UT. Specializing in criminal law, expungements, DUI and drug charges. 435-259-9418.    


LARGE OFFICE FOR RENT IN THE PORTAL BUILDING DOWNTOWN. This space is in the basement so it’s cool and quiet. Very nice finishes, great lighting, custom concrete side tables, fridge, built in shelving, 430 sq ft, $550 per month. Rent includes high speed wifi, conference room, break room, utilities, and janitorial. One year lease, non-smoking. Contact     


“U92: MOAB’S Uranium Legacy” Member Preview is this Thursday, February 13th at 7pm! Renew your membership to join us for this special event!


MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK, La Sal, UT. Mobile home and RV sites.  Call for availability. 970-318-1378


FOR RENT: Professional Furnished office space: 180 sq ft  office available.  Attractive lobby, shared conference room and kitchen area.  Utilities and janitorial services included.  801-281-1945 ext 100


TODDLER TIME at the Library: Every Wednesday morning at 10:30 AM. Stories, songs and crafts geared to kiddos ages 0 - 5 and their caregivers, but all ages are welcome! 257 E. Center St.


SATURDAY STORYTIME at the Library: Every Saturday morning at 10:30 AM. Stories, songs and crafts are geared to kids ages 0 - 9 and their caregivers, but all ages are welcome! 257 E. Center


LEGO ENGINEERING Afterschool Club at the Grand County Library Thursdays 3:30-4:30. FREE! All ages welcome! No registration required. Call or stop by the Library for more info.


THE GRAND COUNTY Public Library will be closed Monday, Feb. 17th in honor of President’s Day.


CLASSIC MOVIE NIGHT: “North by Northwest.” Friday, February 14, 2025. 7-9pm at the Grand County Library. One of Hitchcock’s finest. Starring Carrie Grant, Eva Marie Saint and James Mason, 1959. Hot drinks, cookies and popcorn provided. FREE